Grand Challenges and Competitions

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NEW:  HeroX Cognitive Computing Challenge.  HeroX, a spin-off of XPRIZE, a leading organization solving the world’s grand challenges by managing large-scale, incentive prize competitions, has recently launched the Cognitive Computing Challenge – a $200,000 USD incentive prize to build a cognitive system that can read a document, then accurately load a database with what it finds. Essentially, to teach a computer to mimic the human brain.

The New Yorker: “What Comes After the Turing Test?“, Gary Marcus

AI magazine: “Foundations and Grand Challenges of Artificial Intelligence“, Raj Reddy

AI Topics: “Grand Challenge Problems

AI Challenge

New York Times: “Computer Eyesight Gets a Lot More Accurate“, John Markoff


Allen Institute Structured Science

The quality and quantity of data we produce enables us to accelerate the field of neuroscience and the work of neuroscientists around the world.

Competitions and prizes in artificial intelligence Wikipedia

TREC Text REtreval Conference, NIST and DoD

Tokyo University Entrance Exam

Robocup 2014

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